The Class of 2022’s project was the creation of “The Flight of Our Lives” Century Link Mural located in downtown Evergreen on the Century Link building.

The Flight of Our Lives Mural represents and supports journeys in mental health.
• In CO, 1 in 4 suffer from a mental health diagnosis
• The CO suicide rate is higher than the national average
• 1 of 3 youth express mental health concerns, the highest in the nation
We hope to address these challenges and the stigma that still prevents people from seeking help.
We want to help start a conversation about mental health.
We want to uplift and support families affected by mental health struggles and those who have suffered a loss.
Help and Support
Call or Text 988: Suicide and Crisis Lifeline for free and confidential service.
Colorado Behavioral Health Resources: Provides various resources with locations on a state map.
General Mental Health Services: Scroll down to Resources
The Flight of Our Lives Mural Story
Mental Health is the primary focus of our project, and we hope that this Mural provides immense beautification to our community and destigmatizes conversations around mental health and related support. The Mural’s positive messaging around mental health includes hope, strength, transformation, perseverance, journey, growth, support, community, and connection. We hope this message can be felt through the mural.
Overall, we envisioned a mural focusing on a journey ending in hope realizing the hardships endured on the way to resilience. We wanted a mural that is not unique to just our area but that speaks to humanity as a whole and stands the test of time. It can speak to anyone visiting our community while also speaking to us all in a deeply personal way. It uses iconography to guide messaging, light to instill hope and wellness and a naturalistic background that speaks of Evergreen and guides the beauty.
-Doorways represent opportunity and learning experiences based on the paths we choose as we all navigate life’s journey.
-Light symbolizes positivity, hope, wellness, and transformation.
-Magpie Birds represent resilience, the ability to travel through adversity, leadership, and the local wildlife.
-Local Butterflies (Pipevine Swallowtail, Tiger Swallowtail, & Silvery Blues) represent the cycle of life as pollinators, transformation, growth, and hope.
Altitude Murals and Artists Chris and Will Krieg

Altitude Murals was created by father and son team Chris and Will Krieg, bringing 45 years of experience with this hand-painted art form few are able to do well.
Chris and Will turn walls and structures into captivating sights whether for unique advertisements or cityscape beautification.
They are driven by a passion for transforming artwork into large scale murals and wall signs. These works are crafted by Will and Chris, their designers, or outside artists.
With Gratitude and Thanks to our Partner, Sponsors and Donors
CenturyLink Partnership
Bringing the Flight of Our Lives Mural to life would not have been possible without the partnership with our downtown Evergreen CenturyLink team.
We are eternally grateful for their support and for offering their “blank canvas” on their building to bring this important mental health message to our community via an original, beautiful mural.
Sponsors and Donors
Evergreen Chamber of Commerce
Evergreen Clothing & Mercantile
Evergreen Downtown Business Association
Evergreen Legacy Foundation
Evergreen Rotary
Bruce Anderson
Elizabeth Brothers
Bruce Brown
Chris Davis
Patty DeLucas
John & Pandora Erlandson
Maria Fullenkamp
Green Mountain Beer Company
Curt Harris
Nancy Judge
Rosa Julian
Linda Kirkpatrick
Susan Kramer
Ann Lacy-Balliet
Pam Langan
Ron Larson
Douglas Lempke
Linda and Dale Lovin
Bill Manning
Joyce Masyga
Gail Sharp
Colleen Skates
Troutdale Tavern
Don and Marty Unger
Michele Vanags
Laura Veckerelli
Nancy Williams
Xcel Energy
“Public art is open to interpretation. With the artistic intention, if you can impact one person, that impact is far reaching for the community and globally.”
Timmo Mang, Sculptor